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Registered Plans

What are Registered Plans?

These are accounts that are registered with the Canadian government. The associated immediate or long-term benefits can include tax savings, income management, added growth, and even grants. Take a look at the options below to find out which plan might be right for you.


Tax-Free Savings Account

A TFSA is a flexible, registered general-purpose savings account that allows Canadian residents to earn tax-free investment income to more easily meet their needs at any stage of life.

Retirement Savings Plan

An RRSP allows you to save money for retirement while lowering the income tax you owe today. Contributions are deducted from your annual income to reduce the amount of income tax you must pay for that year.

Retirement Income Fund

You’ve saved for your retirement, now it’s time to reap the rewards! In collaboration with your Kindred Wealth and Investment Team, you can determine how to set up your RRIF to create a regular income stream.

Education Savings Plan

It’s important to invest in your child’s future success. Invest today, and you can benefit from government grants such as the Canada Education Savings Grant and Canada Learning Bond.

Disability Savings Plan

An RDSP helps parents and others save for the long-term financial security of a person who is eligible for the Disability Tax Credit. Contributions can be made until the end of the year in which the beneficiary turns 59 and are eligible for grants such as the Disability Savings Grant. RDSP contributions are not tax-deductible.

First Home Savings Account

The FHSA is a registered savings account that offers the benefits of both tax deductions on your contributions and non-taxable earnings!

Use our calculators to help you plan for your future


There are many ways to save for your retirement, but how much do you need? Use this calculator to find out, so that you can retire comfortably. Planning early is the key to peace of mind.  RRSP Calculator

When planning your retirement, it’s important to know how your money will work for you. Use this calculator to determine minimum withdrawal amounts, how long your funds will last, and more. RRIF Calculator

Give this calculator a try to see how you can earn tax-free income on your savings. Set your savings goal, and watch your funds grow in a Tax-Free Savings Account! TFSA Calculator

This calculator can help you build a long-term plan to save for your children’s post-secondary education, and show you how to maximize the Canada Education Savings Grant. RESP Calculator

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